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“Have a good game”, they say when they greet you

Just what they mean is that “we’re out to beat you”.

So how do you go about winning a game?

Or not be the one that gets all the blame

Of vital importance is reading the mat

A useful excuse, if it comes down to that

Use all your experience, bowl like a pro

Do what skip tells you, skip ought to know

Strategy’s important, tactics evidently

Do what you’re told and bowl “wide and gently

Your instinct will guide you, your hands do the rest

Note, criticism often comes hidden in jest

Release the wood your way, best you can cobble

If it’s not smooth, it’s “Designer Wobble

A thing to be prepared for well in advance

Any game’s result may be just down to chance

One thing that happens, an occasional trick

An erstwhile bad one gets outrageous wick

Some things will happen by more luck than skill

You’ll witness the glare of the “looks that could kill

You’ll spot the ego, the great big “I AM”

Always the first to throw toys out the pram

Remember a bowl that looks like a shocker

Can often turn out to be a great blocker

Experience, knowledge, reading the head

Is easily spoiled by a fluke shot instead

“Well played” everyone says at the end of the game

Win or come second the phrase is the same

You may believe that you’ve been bold and plucky

Losers will grieve that you damn well got lucky

Well maybe, just maybe it has simply been

Your turn, this time, for the rub of the green