Ode of a New Bowler
I’ve come here today to learn how to bowl
With some trepidation but hope in my soul
The people look quite friendly, so I’ll give it a go
I’m sure that they’ll teach me all I should know
You get balls called woods that are made of hard plastic
Which if dropped on your foot the pain would be drastic
There’s a ball called Jack near the end of the carpet
And poor little Jack is everyone’s target
If that is so then please answer this riddle
Why do they put that white block in the middle?
It’s important to learn before it’s too late
This not-
It seems that the wood is biased you see
I hope it isn’t just biased against me
Bowl the wood correctly holding your nerve
And by some great miracle it follows a curve
So following instructions I bowl my first bowl
And then want to fall into a great big black hole
I thought that I’d sent it with just the right pace
But it careered off the carpet, disappeared without trace
The person at the far end making some quip
Is standing quite still yet he said he would skip
Why is aforementioned skip just going mental
He shouts that I should have bowled Wide and Gentle
Why is he is ranting, just staring at me
Waving his arms about flashing the V
I’m told that it means that our team’s now holding two
Just don’t mess it up whatever you do.
My next bowl ends up in the right general quarter
Exuberance, joy, the thing did what it oughta
One kind person tells me to no great surprise
I’m sure you will master it with many more tries
I think I’ve grasped bowling but that just depends
Understanding one beginning but playing five ends
Many things are spinning around in my brain
But I have quite enjoyed it, I’ll come back again