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What are the joys of Carpet Bowls?

 An odd shaped ball that gently rolls

Towards the jack it’s supposed to go.

  We know that that isn’t always so

Following the skip’s expert vision,

get it wrong – expect derision

“Bowl wide and gentle” we hear it said.

 Bowler steps up, those words inside head

The wood, if bowled just a little too wide,

sadly rolls off the carpet’s side

Some bowls crash into the island middle.

 We hear the cry something like “Oh fiddle!”

Occasionally we hear onlookers cry as….

the bowl curves away – it has the wrong bias

If all goes to plan by some perfect mapping,

 the bowler is greeted by all round clapping

“Now holding three”, it’s so much fun.

   Opponent bowls and it all comes undone

That’s hard to take, but no matter what…..

through gritted teeth we say – “great shot!”

Next bowl travels its intended path….

smacks the jack – can’t help but laugh

Everyone cries – “well fancy that”.

  The little ball tumbles off the end of the mat

The end is over number 3s decide,

   which bowls are closest, and for which side?

They can’t be sure so some little treasure,

gives out the shout – “Let’s have a measure”

This is the game that’s played through the nation,

 in equal measures of joy and frustration

But win or lose – we’re all the same…….

We convince ourselves that it is “Only a game”

Brian Pentelow