Read our latest Newsletter
The Club was started in 1996 in the brand new Community Centre in Great Notley Garden Village. From humble beginnings the Club has grown from strength to strength and now boasts a membership of 48. The Club possesses four mats and these are all used for our regular Club sessions on Monday and Thursday afternoons throughout the year. From early on the Club was involved in home and away friendly matches with teams from surrounding villages and these introduced an element of competition. All members are encouraged to take part in these matches which are always played in an enjoyable atmosphere. Our home games are played on the second Thursday of the month in the evenings. We look upon ourselves as a very friendly club and welcome new members of whatever abilities. Club members will always be on hand to give advice and assistance to beginners.
Carpet Bowls Rules
From the Chairman and Committee.
Dear Member
Your Committee join me in hoping that you are keeping well during these exceptional times and that you have managed to escape the tentacles of this dreadful virus. When we closed the Club down on 16th March we said that we would review the situation after Easter and report back to you. It now seems unlikely that we will be able to resume in the near future but we will continue to watch developments. Much will depend of course on Government advice about social interaction, particularly since the majority of us fall within the social category regarded as ‘at risk’, and when the Community Centre is likely to re-open its doors. I am sure that all of you will be hoping that the time will soon arrive when we can get back to the serious business of playing carpet bowls! Rest assured that as soon as we have some positive news we will communicate this with you.
In the meantime, keep well and keep socially distancing!
Best regards
Members will be saddened to hear that Ken Chine passed away on Friday morning having failed to recover from the corona virus. Ken was a long-term supporter of the Club and although he hadn’t bowled for the last two or three years regularly attended to perform his tea duties. Ken as some of you will know was also a member of Braintree Bowling Club and until recently had been the Greenkeeper there. Our thoughts go out to his family.
We have also heard that Len Dove, a much loved member, passed away recently. Those that knew Len will know that he stoically battled illness for many years astounding us all with his resilience. He continued to bowl well past his 90th year. Sadly missed.
PS. Members having internet access can visit the Club website at to obtain up to date information about the Club; if you wish to place any interesting comments on the website, but not personal information, please give Brian a ring on 01376 320106.
If you are really bored why not read some of the poems. These were all written for our annual club dinner. They all contain a line containing a “tribute to one of our bowlers who is always generous with his advice on how and which direction to bowl.
Click on the buttons below or find them in the poems tab.
Poem 2017
Joys of Carpet Bowls
Ode of a new bowler